
I live in the north-west of England. In one direction lie the northern industrial mill towns surrounded by stark moorland. The opposite direction leads to green rolling countryside. In between is a mix of contemporary regeneration and urban decay.

I bounce between extremes of seeking quietness high up on a wind-swept hill top and immersing myself in the chaos of the city. I enjoy both equally.

Although my heart lies in the north of England, I do like to travel further afield.

I said goodbye to my old site A Flash of Inspiration in early 2020. After 8 years with my old site I felt the need for change. I’ve transferred over a selection of my favourite blog posts and a few of the 1000+ photos!

Here I share my discoveries and creativity through photos and musings. As always, I still enjoy documenting my walks with my camera. I like painting, urban sketching and more recently learning video-making and studio photography.

I shoot with a variety of digital cameras and vintage film cameras.

I hope.

that my new site will be a source of inspiration and encouragement to you or simply you’ll enjoy looking at the places I visit!

Much love

Helen x