The Tree Project. January.

This year I'm photographing trees through the seasons. The working title is The Tree Project 2020. I'm not sure how it'll evolve but I hope that will make it all the more interesting.

For The Tree Project in January I took photos of trees in the thick fog! The light was terrible but I really enjoyed capturing the winter trees in such in such atmospheric conditions. I don’t ever remember shooting in fog before but I really enjoyed the experience.

This is one of my favourite trees and one I intend to revisit each month. I think it's a field maple. I know it's a very popular tree to capture as I see it make appearances often across social media sites! I'm unsure whether to describe it as perfectly imperfect or imperfectly perfect. Either way, don't you think it's beautiful and so full of character?



I knew that the project would spark other ideas aside from taking still photos. As I wandered around the trees in the mist I had thoughts of shooting a film with atmospheric music and so that’s what I attempted!

Here is a short film that I shot and edited on my iPhone.


I’ve set up a separate page for my tree project and I hope you’ll pop back to see how it develops over the year. I reckon that this is my way of declaring an intention and being held accountable!


Vintage Agfa Camera


To The Edge of Stanage